There were some pretty slim pickings, so we had to run around to assemble 12. I got 4 from Gripping Beast (VIK13 Bondi Bowmen), seen below. They were $8.80USD for 4.
These guys are ok. They are larger and a bit less detailed than I am accustomed to. In fairness, Eric thought that these were some old Gripping Beast figs. They ARE Levy, so who cares?
The next 8 guys came in a pack from Eureka Miniatures USA. I got the 'The Dark Ages' Archers(8) for $18.40USD. I can't seem to find them on the web site....anyway, they seem pretty nice and detailed. They are a bit smaller than the other guys, but seem to fit in ok.
Overall, I am happy with both sets. There was not a lot of flashing, and the figures were easy to paint. And just to remind everyone, Steven and I are going for "get it on the table" paint jobs here, so these guys are pretty simple. Levies die easy anyway.