Following on from other articles about getting into Saga using budget plastics, here are another few thoughts....
The really obvious one to do is the Saxons themselves using the plastic box set from Gripping Beast. One box of them could serve as a complete 6 point force of Hearthguard and Warriors, but there's not much excitement in using just one box!
One option could be to add a Strathclyde faction using the Wargames Factory Ancient German Cavalry. They look great as unarmoured men on ponies / small horses. Suitable for Welsh and Irish as well. They come in boxes of 12 plastic figures for about £14.75 in the UK or $19.95 in the USA. You can find them at the Wargames Factory website or try Ebay in the UK.
I haven't covered The Welsh faction. They could easily be covered by some of the factions already discussed such as Scots or Irish, just make them very Javelin heavy, possibly with no shields, just a spare javelin or two to make them distinctive.
Other suggestions on forums include using Wargames Factory Numidians as a variety of lighter troops, or removing their legs to substitute onto the GB Dark Age Warriors for a more skirmish foot troop look.
You might be able to use the Wargames Factory Ancient German footsloggers perhaps for Irish troops.
A UK company called Agema miniatures has produced a box of 16 plastic Roman Velites for £9.60. If you remove the Roman elements you are left with a lightly armed javelin figure or swordsman. The downside is you get sandals not bare feet, so that may put you off. The upside is you are left with some spare wolf pelts, perhaps for your Vikings!
Spare heads can be found at Westwind productions.
If you have suggestions for more plastic box sets for other factions please go to the forum and leave the details. Thanks.