Following up on a recent article about Saga on a Budget for 2 to 4 players, here is my look at how to get more factions without breaking the bank. You could combine the contents of both articles as the figures needed nicely mesh between the two articles to catch eight good factions that should bring some real entertainment.
If you read the last article and have found yourself with some spare figures, then you can read on to to build up an Irish faction. Otherwise there is now the chance to buy that box of Gripping Beast Viking Hirdmen and make 3 more factions!
Those factions are: Vikings, Jomsvikings and Norse-Gaels.
For this you need to buy the following boxes....
One box of Gripping Beast Viking Hirdmen (Hearthguard)
Two boxes of GB Dark Age Warriors.
For the other factions, here is the breakdown of how to make them...
1 Warlord (Hirdman model, hand weapons, armoured, shield)
8 Hirdmen (Hirdmen models, armoured, shields, hand weapon) - 2 points.
16 Warriors (Hirdmen models, armoured, shields, spears) - 2 points
12 Levy slingers (Unarmoured Dark Age Warriors, slings) - 1 point.
4 Berserkers (Unarmoured Dark Age Warriors (no armour, built as Berserkers with various weapons) - 1 point.
1 Warlord (Hirdman model, armoured, Dane Axe or spear/hand weapon & shield)
8 Hearthguard (Hirdmen models, armoured, Dane Axe or spear/hand weapon & shield) - 2 points.
32 Warriors (Unarmoured Dark Age Warriors, Dane Axe or spear/hand weapon & shield) - 4 points.
Approximate cost based on the models per box is: GBP£20.14 (USD$32.17)
1 Warlord (Hirdman model, hand weapons, armoured, shield)
8 Hearthguard (Hirdmen models, armoured, Dane Axe or Hand weapon & shield) - 2 points.
32 Warriors (Unarmoured Dark Age Warriors, Javelin) - 4 points
If you have nine spare Saxon Thegn models leftover from the first part of this article, then you can add a box of Dark Age Warriors to make a Irish faction.... [ note: these are the Gripping Beast Saxon Thegns (Hearthguard) ]
1 Warlord (Armoured, Dane Axe or Javelin)
8 Hearthguard (Armoured, Dane Axe or Javelin) - 2 points.
24 Unarmoured Warriors (Javelin / shield) - 3 point.
12 Unarmoured Levy (slings OR Javelins) - 1 point
Approximate cost based on the models per box is: GBP£22.14 (USD$35.37)
More options....
In another article I will look at the lighter cavalry options for factions such as the Welsh or Strathclyde and a few other sources. This will also make use of Wargames Factory models.
By getting together in one large group you can make eight factions that should be fun to play without breaking the budget. I have deliberately kept away from other factions with strong cavalry elements as obtaining suitable models along with the extra price can become restrictive. Cavalry are typically 2.5 to 3 times more expensive. You may have noticed that the Irish faction leave four of the Dark Age Warrior models unused. If you are also making the factions from part one of this series of articles, then you can use them instead there if you find yourself short of 4 models for the Norman/Breton option (have a read of that article again here), no waste here, well maybe a few figures from all the boxes. Plus there will be plenty of "spares" in these boxes to embellish your models or their bases. Be creative especially with any Viking Berserkers (spare heads as trophies, use cloaks from command sprues, etc).
Typical Box Prices:
Conquest Knights GBP20 / USD32 / 15 models / price per model = £1.34 / $2.14
Conquest Infantry GBP20 / USD32 / 44 models / price per model = £0.46 / $0.73
GB Saxons GBP20 / USD32 / 44 models / price per model = £0.46 / $0.73
GB Vikings GBP20 / USD32 / 44 models / price per model = £0.46 / $0.73
GB Dark Age Plastic Warriors GBP20 / USD32 / 40 models / price per model = £0.50 / $0.80
Fireforge Foot Sergeants GBP28 / USD35 / 48 models / price per model = £0.59 / $0.73
Wargames Factory Ancient German Cavalry GBP14.75 / USD20 / price per model = £1.23 / $1.67
I hope this article is of use. If some of the other factions become available in plastic then another article may be needed! Roll on Rus, Byzantines......