Monday, November 12, 2012

Norman Horse Cart

A while back, Jon did two pieces for our baggage train, and I promised to do the third.  I finally came through on that after picking up these pieces at Fall In!  The Norman Pony is by Gripping Beast- Joe "Wow" Mezz happened upon it at the Architects of War booth and knew I'd be happy with it!

The cart is another 4Ground Games creation (Sorry I can't find the specific product now).  It's likely a little too contemporary for the Dark Ages, but I'm not a stickler.  A cart's a cart.  I didn't paint the cart, but instead just gave it a black wash.  In hindsight I probably would've made it look better if I had just not been lazy, but hey- it'll do!
The base was picked up for me yet again by Joe Mezz from the Gale Force 9/Battlefront Base extravaganza they always have at conventions.  I think Joe came home with a pint of bases ("It comes in pints?!") and graciously let me snag this one.
The stowage is actually Bedroll/Pack stowage from Company B.  I got it for my Desert Rats Grant I, but decided I liked the look of it without stowage hanging all over it.  So instead, I painted some of them up and threw them in the back of the cart!  Blanket technology didn't change much, I suppose.
Finally, I used one of the LBMS transfers for the kite shield, some Silflor Tufts, and GF9 static grass and voila!  Horse cart.

Geez, I feel bad not mentioning that the sand was Lowe's playground sand and the glue was good ol' Tacky Glue.  The paint was all Vallejo.  I used Windsor and Newton brushes for painting and el cheapo "Art Studio" brushes for drybrushing.  The wash was Didi's Magic Ink.  Gosh, have I left anything out?

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