Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mounted Welsh Warriors

Any Welsh player who has faced the Norman Crossbow knows the pain of long range death.  A good levy bow unit can be just as bad when welsh get hit at one less for lack of armor.  My thought on solving the Welsh bow target problem was a good unit of mounted Welshmen who could cross the ground fast and put those pesky bowmen to death. 

So while at Historicon I set out to find some suitable Welsh Mounted Warrior figures.  Guess what? Nobody makes them. The mounted Teulu from Gripping beast were not be found at Hcon and besides they are not Welshie Warrior enough for me - too much armor.  I spent about an hour looking from vendor to vendor for a mounted, bare headed, bare footed, Javelin armed, light armored dark age figure with a shawl. Not surprising: I did not find exactly what I was looking for.  
 I had a long talk with the Guys from Eureka and they do plan to make a Welsh Mounted Warrior but will not have them til probably next year.   Of course being a gamer, I can't wait that long.  So I settled on Old Glory Pict Light Cavalry (PAA-09) which was close - all I had to do was add a shawl on a few with some green stuff.

 The thing about Old Glory miniatures is they are cheap - really cheap if you join the old glory army 40% off deal. As most you know - you do get what you pay for.  Figure pose variety was not the best and I had to drill out hands and add weapons.  Lucky for me, I have ton of extra weapons from the plastic boxed Gripping Beast pack.  They came out pretty good for my so so 28mm painting skill.  Its a rare unit and a pain to make, but they rock on the battlefield. The ability to move 12" and throw Javelins 6" without suffering in melee combat (like the Bretons) is great.  The down fall is getting shot on 2+ so kill them bowmen quick!

Look out Norman Crossbowmen!! I am coming for you!

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