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from our game with some mechanics explained. Here is the attack of the Mad-Priest up the center. The Priest gets 5 dice for being the leader and needs 5s to hit the enemy Heathguard. But, since the Heathguard are Beserker Babes and unarmored he needs 4s to hit. The Beserker babes swing back with eight dice since only two are in range needing 5s to hit. Both the Priest and the Babes hit twice, the babes save none, and the Leader Priest saves one but can ignore one hit in combat so he lives and two babes die.
Also in the picture are the 4 Norman Mounted Heathguard hitting the Viking Levy. The 4 Normans swing 8 dice needing 3s to hit, the 12 Levy swing 4 dice needing 5s to hit. Joe rolls well and gets 4 hits! Good thing the Levy are easy to hit - I get 8 hits. Now - here is where the battleboard dice come in - see the two dice in the bottom corner? Those double my hits, so now Joe's Levy is sucking down 16 hits.
Pow big hole in the Center! The way to the baggage is clear. |
The charge has left "the Mad-Priest" in an exposed position that the Vikings take advantage of. The Norman leader goes down with a unit of Heathguard. The Normans are in big trouble after losing their leader's SAGA die and are now down to only four to the Viking 5 SAGA die. |
Using all 4 of my SAGA dice, driving the horses hard and generating fatigue, we complete the flank march and do a desperation charge into the baggage. My attack of 20 die should win the game for me. I need 6s to hit the baggage (Joe used my fatigue against me to make it harder to hit him) and the baggage swing only 3 die back at me needing 5s. I missed all 20 sixes and insult to injury the baggage kills one of my mounted knights and I am bounced off. |
The Viking leader started chopping down Normans left and right making them pay for the rash flank march. The battle seemed lost but for some Norman warriors sneaking up behind the Viking leader and bringing him down. |
The Normans must kill at least two Baggage units before the rest of the Vikings can get back to the action. The last three mounted Normans are able to do the trick and kill the baggage for the win. |
The game ended with only one Mounted Norman left it really could have gone either way. It was great game that I thought was a victory then a defeat then a victory in the end with a heavy price paid. Hey some new employment positions have opened up in the Norman cav! |