At Fall-In I picked up the Old Glory "Long Serpent Ship" and due to a bizarre - for Virginia - snow day have finally painted it up. I had looked at several plastic kits and laser cut wooden versions of Viking ships and none of them thrilled me. Knowing what a beating my wargame toys take moving from game to game, I did not want a plastic kit. The best solution seamed to be go with resin ships from Old Glory. Turns out Old Glory has the Viking ship in two versions: one with crew: SVS-12 and one without: SVS-12s. The with crew sells for $65 dollars and the without crew sells for $35 dollars, this is before any discounts which you can get 40% if you join their army club.
The oar ports need to be drilled out if you wish to put oars through them. Since my ship will always be on land I did not bother with it. |
The basic no crew ship. One odd thing - the steering board (rudder) only comes with the crew version. |
You do not get a sail which is annoying I had to steal a sail from my kids toy boat. |
Viking ships had removable beast heads so not to scare away spirits in home waters. |
Viking ships did not have benches rowers sat on sea chests and whatever was available. OG did a nice job of modeling this. |
Attaching the shields was made easier with sticky-tack and super glue. |
The deck is open enough to take figures and fight over. |
Store the oars under the deck. |
You get 18 shields with the ship some are molded and will not take a shield transfer. |
Since I did not bother to drill out the oar ports I just set them on the hull for the illusion of rowing. The reason I bought this thing is to fight over not row! |