One of the advantages to late night feeding times for young Ted is that I can spend the time in between (usually 3-hour stints) to get some painting done. My evening shift usually runs from 6pm to midnight, so I usually get a good six hours of painting in each night, which is more than I had before! I'm sure that free time will dwindle as he gets a bit older, but I'm taking advantage of it while I still can! My goal is to have enough SAGA armies to play a little rendition of 1066 at the end of this year. For that I need three armies: Normans, Anglo-Danes (Harold), and Vikings (Harald). I've got most of the Vikings I'll need, but I have to order some Norman bowmen/crossbowmen and Men At Arms. With my extra painting time I've hit my SAGA armies pretty hard, pumping out 17 Normans and 25 Vikings. I have a box of Anlgo-Saxons on the way, so that will be army number three once I get those done.
Anyway, here's a few shots of the Normans. Excluding the main man, I've got 16 mounted guys, all rated Hearthguard in SAGA. A few assembly notes can be found here...
Four SAGA points of Stormin' Normans |