I wanted to take the opportunity to show what other people have done to make terrain suitable for Saga and to also show you what is available for purchase that looks good and may not break the bank.
First off, the Wyvern Wargamers have an excellent step-by-step tutorial on how to build a table for Saga. It look very, very nice... link
Then there's the "lake" from Battlegroundhobbies blog... again VERY nicely finished.... link.
There's a review of 4Ground woods on this site here..... link.
These can be found here: link to 4Ground.
4Ground also do a great range of Dark Age pre-painted buildings and highlighted here..... link and here.... link.
You can find 4Ground here ... link.
Gripping Beast also do some great buildings in resin for Saga and other Dark Age or early medieval settings... there is a review here.... link.
You can find them here... link.
The walled area in the image above is a Renedra kit mounted on stiff card... link.
There's a great tutorial on life-like hills here... link. Thanks 3-T Studios for your inspiration!
Here's a quick way to make rivers (From my own blog though many people use variations on this to make cheap rivers) .... link.
To make quick and simple ruins or stonepiles you can see an example on my blog... link. (scroll down a bit to find the round bases...)
And finally for a wheat field, just cut a piece of coir matting up or some carpet tiles... link.