A bloody "Backs to the Wall" game! |
"Backs to the Wall"
A special scenario for two Dark Age Saga players by Mike Wood. This is not an official Saga scenario and is in no way an attempt to infringe the copyright of Studio Tomahawk or Gripping Beast.
The Defending player is on the run back to their settlement and is being pursued by the Attacking player. The Defender hurries his troops into a narrow valley and makes for what looks like a steep and impassable head of the valley. The Attacker thinks they now have their foe trapped in a steep valley head. The Defender (knowing this ground well) has sent out some of his troops over the steep ground to fetch help from a nearby friendly settlement. The Defender has less men but knows that reinforcements will soon arrive. The Defender prepares to receive the enemy and the Attacker gets ready to charge in.....
The game is played on a 24" x 36" table. Players use the long table edges to deploy.
One player may choose to be the Defender. The Defender will start the game with one less point of troops than the Attacker to use in the game. If both players want to be the Defender then roll a dice. Add 1 for each point spent on mounted troops in your force. The highest roll is the Attacker.
The Defender chooses one table side to deploy on (it could be either unless you have modelled the steep valley head on one side of the table already!)
The Defender will be able to choose one piece of non-building uneven terrain to place in their own deployment area (optional). This must be no larger than M in any direction.
Length of Game
Five Turns maximum (at that point friendly troops will arrive to back up the Defender and the Attacker will have to withdraw in the face of greater enemy numbers).
The Defender deploys their Warlord and all Levies within M of their own baseline (long table edge).
The Attacker then places their Warlord and all Levies within M of their own baseline (long table edge).
The Defender then places all their Warriors within M of their own baseline (long table edge).
The Attacker then places all their Warriors within M of their own baseline (long table edge).
The Defender then places all their Hearthguard within M of their own baseline (long table edge).
The Attacker then places all their Hearthguard within M of their own baseline (long table edge).
The Defender takes the first go in Turn 1. Before the Defender rolls their Saga dice, the Attacker can roll 3 Saga dice and place them on their battleboard. They may not gain extra dice from this action. They may not place these dice on Order abilities (they may place them on Order/Reaction ones though). This represents the Attacker believing they have the advantage of trapping their opponents.
Players take it in turns to go within each game Turn. The game ends after five full turns so speed is important to the Attacker.
Special: When the Attacker takes their first turn, as soon as they roll their Saga dice, the Defender may force them to re-roll up to three of their Saga dice (Defender can choose which dice to re-roll). This cannot be blocked in any way by the Attacker. This represents the realisation that the Defender has chosen this spot and expects to be reinforced shortly.
Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if the Defenders Warlord is killed before the end of Turn 5.
The Defender wins otherwise.
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