On an ancient battlefield, the forces of Jhon the Dirty and Steveaux the Fluffy face off in a titanic struggle of might vs. tailored pants. Clash of Warlords was the flavor of this Saga game. We did a four point battle:
Viking Forces:
Jhon the Dirty
Levy Archers
Norman Forces:
Steveaux the Finely Groomed
Mounted Knights
Mounted Warriors
Crossbow Warriors
Archer Warriors
The Vikings strategy: Line up. In a line. The Normas hide in woods and generally prance about.
Steveaux, of the ambiguous gender sings and serenades his retinue. How positively... womanly!
The Normans hide behind trees.
The Vikings are - in a LINE! Charge!
Jhon the Dirty charges forward with his henchmen, pushing them hard and generating a couple of fatigue tokens. The Vikings are trying the old "Get the horsey to charge!" trick. It has worked before....
More hiding and general womanliness from the Normans. There is a BATTLE out there! Get to it.
This is the set up after Jhon's move.
Ut oh! Steveaux orders his Mounted Warriors in first, and they beat up the Bondi pretty good. After that, Steveaux charges in with his Knights and barely knocks out all the Bondi and Jhon the Dirty. World's fastest game of Saga! Off to brunch!