I had to order a few things for Arnhem from The War Store. To fill out the order, I grabbed some Foundry metal miniatures for SAGA. I love my Vikings so far, but I wanted to check out something I didn't have to assemble. When I saw that they had the same ladies Joe Moore has, I grabbed the VIK054 Valkyries, Daughters of Freya and VIK55 Valkyries, War Maidens of Odin blisters. I started with the ones that are actually clothed.
I didn't spend a ton of time on these because I wanted to spring them as a surprise on Steven today when we play a game at Luke's. Sneaky! I need to do something more with the shields.
These are COMPLETELY non-historical, and I don't care -- they look cool. So, please - don't "Well, actually..." me on these (Eric! Mike!) =)
UPDATE: The Grrls all complete with shield decals.